Break Your Bread For the Less Privileged is a Non-Governmental Organization founded to take care of the poor in the society. Our target is to use the auspices of this organization to reach out to the underprivileged and vulnerable people who have no one to care for them especially young people in search of quality education and health care assistance.

It is clear that in many places of the world young people roam the streets. And many a time, such children are subjected to a lot of hazards. They have no food, no shelter, no clothing, no healthcare and no access to quality education. More still, these young people are subjected to unmerited child labor and other forms of abuses. Some might end up in crime and others die prematurely.

Our mandate is to give a helping hand to such disadvantaged young people through provision of the basic requirements of life and by putting them through schools or career training. By so doing they will be able to have a decent living and fulfillment.

Break Your Bread For the Less Privileged Foundation have an eye on underprivileged young people. Many have no proper Medicare. And more are hungry. Our target is to provide shelter, Medicare and food where they are much needed.

We are built to helping young people who are psychologically depressed and socially disorientated by giving them the needed psychological boost and possible career support. We go further to give support to juvenile offenders who cannot afford their legal fees.

It is our work to source for funds from generous persons and institutions who have the capacity and the willingness to sponsor such noble projects. And we judiciously use such funds to improve the living conditions of the less privileged within our reach.

We gave birth to this foundation to give good life to young people. We have the dream that one day we will have a world where there will be no poverty, hunger, disease and suffering. We call on everyone to come together show love and care to each other.